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Break free from dieting and binge eating cycles

With 1:1 nutrition counselling with a specialist binge eating dietitian

I know you are overwhelmed and confused by conflicting food rules and diet trends which are causing you food stress and guilt. Leading you into a never-ending cycle of dieting then binge eating which is impacting your life.

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My name is Toni (she/her), The Binge Dietitian and I’m a UK registered dietitian helping women worldwide to recover from binge eating and emotional eating specialising in a non-diet approach.

After years of living in an endless cycle of dieting and binge eating myself, I am now on a mission to help you embrace a balanced and sustainable approach to your relationship with food!  

I promote a non-diet & weight-inclusive approach to nutrition, so you can learn to trust intuition and make food choices based on your preferences and body signals. Ultimately helping you build a sense of empowerment and peace with food.

It’s time for you to stop feeling guilty and ashamed about food! 

You’re here because…

  • The constant 'on-track, off-track' cycle is tiring and impacting your mental health.

  • You're tired of feeling guilty every time you eat something you enjoy.

  • You're tired of food consuming your thoughts all day, every day.

  • You're ready to break free from the restrictions of diet culture.

  • You're looking for sustainable, long-term solutions rather than quick fixes.

  • You're tired of feeling like a failure every time a diet plan doesn't work out.

  • It’s like having a friend who knows what they’re talking about, isn’t afraid to correct in a constructive and compassionate way and is like a cheerleader against all the negative voices and diet brainwashing

    Philippa, London

  • I really can’t think of anything I haven’t liked about our sessions. Toni is compassionate, patient, and kind and stays on task even when my ADHD brain takes us adrift, Item

    Dena, New York

  • Your approach is kind and encouraging and I feel like I have someone there who understands how I am feeling in regards to food, and who I can talk to about my challenges."

    Hannah, Nuneaton

  • Your energy and enthusiasm for what you do is contagious Toni!

    Sharon, Michigan

  • After 3 months of working with Toni, I no longer count calories and I feel so much food freedom"

    Rachael, Bristol

  • The sessions have been amazing, I think I’ve made such a progress in just a few months. You’re warm, open and non judgemental which really helped me to open up and being so open with your own experiences makes me feel like I’m not alone

    Philippa, London

  • "Toni has not only got the head knowledge about binge eating, she also has the heart and compassion for helping people recover"

    Dr Marianne Miller - Binge Eating Therapist