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Toni Rudd

The Binge Dietitian

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Where Nourishment Meets Freedom!

My Story:

Hello! I am Toni (she/her), I am a UK HCPC registered online dietitian who helps women worldwide to recover from binge eating and emotional eating using a non-diet approach.

I am passionate about helping you improve your relationship with food so you can stop feeling guilty after eating.

I am a MASSIVE foodie and I love helping you understand the right from wrong facts within the nutrition world because let's face it... there is so much rubbish out there and in my experience, I know you are confused as well.

I love this job because I am helping people like me. 

During my 20s, I was stuck in the dieting cycle. I counted calories, ate within specific times, limited myself to 500 calories a day for 2 days a week, and went to bed at 7 pm to ignore the hunger and not eat any more. I also believed eating grapefruit will burn the fat off my body as if it was magical. This was all while I was training and working as a dietitian in the NHS.

For the last 10 years of my life, I have been very dissatisfied with my body image and struggling with a healthy exercise balance because I have always felt I need to work out for my food. I have only relatively recently started reflecting on why...


Being a 90s baby I was brought up around a diet culture where thin equals health and happiness. It was in our magazines and TV shows and unfortunately, it still is. I watched the women closest to me in my life fight a constant battle of weight loss and weight gain. My mum was a well-known slimming group coach when I was younger and I used to go to her meetings with her 2-3 times a week… so I got brought up around men and women getting weighed weekly.

As a child, I was a dancer and I don’t remember ever hating my body, I was active most days and I ate what I wanted (as you do when you're little). I always had an awareness about which foods gave me more energy for my dancing and which ones didn't.

But when I went to dance college at 18, it wasn't a good experience for me. I was surrounded by pressure to look a particular way. I was strong enough to know that that career wasn't the right path for me and I remember telling my family that they were trying to make me out to be something I am not.

After deciding to train to become a dietitian in the NHS I started my career as a dietitian focussing on helping people lose weight. I saw first-hand how aiming for weight loss as a treatment is simply ineffective. Clients would lose weight, but then regain the weight lost plus more. 

So I started learning more about the non-diet approach by reading books such as ‘Just Eat It’ by Laura Thomas. This opened my eyes to how diet culture thrives on us hating our bodies and that dieting interventions create a revolving door which keeps you thinking you are the problem.

You are not the problem.

Doing this work has helped me be in a better place with my body image and relationship with food which looks like:

  • I no longer spend hours measuring or monitoring every food that goes into my mouth.

  • Understanding and trusting my hunger and fullness levels so I know when to eat and when to stop.

  • Not weighing myself. Ever.

  • No more strict dieting before and after big events or holidays.

  • Enjoying dessert after dinner without guilt.

  • Having the freedom to go out for a meal without worrying about the calories I’ll have to burn the next day.

  • Being able to rest without guilt or overthinking.

  • Never “starting again” after every weekend, holiday and celebration.

YOu can achieve this to!


At The Binge Dietitian, my mission is simple yet powerful: to help yo-yo dieters liberate themselves from binge eating and find lasting peace with food. I am passionate about guiding you towards a healthier relationship with both your body and the food you consume. Together, we will set sustainable and realistic goals that support your overall well-being.

My approach & Values


I will not tell you that you will be binge free in X amount of weeks/months. This approach makes the non-diet approach, another diet. It takes time to undo all the shit that diet cultures teach us about food and your body, especially if you have a long-standing negative relationship with food. Re-learning what it’s like to have a more neutral relationship with food can take time and it is not a quick fix.


Compassion lies at the heart of everything I do. I understand the emotional complexities surrounding food, body image, and self-worth. You have constantly been told that in order to have true health and happiness you should “lose weight”. This is massively rooted within our culture. 

From my experience working within the health service, I saw these messages being pushed and they did not sit right with me. Now I use the Health at Every Size (HAES) model as I connect to the values of this approach about providing weight-inclusive and respectful care.

I celebrate diversity and work with clients regardless of age, race, gender, size, or background.  I am trauma-informed in my approach and my goal is to create as safe a space as possible between me and my clients.


I believe you are the expert of you. You are a unique human and any kind of beige approach will be difficult to sustain. The work we do together is a team approach (you & I). By working alongside you, I will help you to understand what approach is best for you so you can make positive and sustainable decisions about your life that will positively impact your health.


As a Health and Care Professions Council registered dietitian, I am committed to ongoing training, development and constant reflection as part of my continuous professional development. I have completed various training such as intuitive eating, trauma-informed care and body image. I take part in regular supervision to ensure I am able to show up as the best I can be and provide quality service.


My balance approach to nutrition will support you to move away from restrictive norms to more food freedom. Food is so much more than nutrition. I think food has a versatile meaning. With food we create memories with friends and loved ones, it brings people together to celebrate milestones and reflect on memories. Food is a way to embrace traditions and culture and it provides joy, comfort, care and compassion.


My passion to help you understand that dieting is not the only option for health is what brings me alive!

I'll always bring the energy and provide the support that you deserve.

Investing in your wellbeing means expanding the amount of joy in your life. And what could be more important than that?

Sometimes it might be challenging there are no trap doors when you work with me and I will be your biggest cheerleader.

If you are ready to take the next step…

Book a free 15-minute call with me.

During this call, we'll discuss your unique situation, I’ll answer any questions you may have and can determine if my 1:1 support program is the right fit for you. 

Simply book a time in my schedule below.

If a video call seems too much right now for you, click here and we can chat via WhatsApp instead.

If a video call doesnt seem comfortable right now…

I understand it can be hard to go from checkingg out my website to jumping on a video call so lets chat on whatsapp first…

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  • It’s like having a friend who knows what they’re talking about, isn’t afraid to correct in a constructive and compassionate way and is like a cheerleader against all the negative voices and diet brainwashing

    Philippa, London

  • I really can’t think of anything I haven’t liked about our sessions. Toni is compassionate, patient, and kind and stays on task even when my ADHD brain takes us adrift, Item

    Dena, New York

  • "Toni's knowledge and positive attitude to food has helped me feel less anxious around food. Before we met, I was so scared of bread but now I can enjoy stress and guilt free"

    Fiona, Glasgow

  • Your energy and enthusiasm for what you do is contagious Toni!

    Sharon, Michigan

  • After 3 months of working with Toni, I no longer count calories and I feel so much food freedom"

    Rachael, Bristol

  • The sessions have been amazing, I think I’ve made such a progress in just a few months. You’re warm, open and non judgemental which really helped me to open up and being so open with your own experiences makes me feel like I’m not alone

    Philippa, London

  • "Toni has not only got the head knowledge about binge eating, she also has the heart and compassion for helping people recover"

    Dr Marianne Miller - Binge Eating Therapist