No More Binge Eating: The Ultimate Starter Guide >> Click here to get it 



Are you tired of feeling trapped in a cycle of guilt and shame around food?

Do you long for a healthier relationship with food that allows you to enjoy eating without the constant struggle?

Imagine being able to trust your body to know what it needs.

My 1:1 support program is specifically designed to help women, like you, who have battled with yo-yo dieting and binge eating and are ready to make a lasting change.

Stop binge eating 1:1 support

What’s included:

A Personalised Approach, Tailored to Your Needs

We will start with an initial 60-minute consultation, where we delve deep into your medical, weight, and dieting history.

Gaining more of an understanding of your situation with help me tailor a realistic and doable recovery plan just for you!

We take time to understand your unique challenges and goals as well as what has worked and not worked in the past.

Together, we create a clear treatment plan that will pave the way towards lasting success.

No more guessing or relying on fad diets. We provide you with a roadmap to achieve your health and well-being goals.

Start with an initial 60 minute consultation

Then we have Regular and consistent catch ups

Ongoing Reviews to Ensure Your Progress

Then our 45-minute review sessions are where the magic happens.

We focus on specific activities we have agreed upon and discuss any challenges you may face.

This personalised approach ensures that you gain the skills and strategies necessary to overcome binge eating once and for all.

I am here to support you every step of the way, providing guidance and motivation as you build a healthier relationship with food.

Plus you get…

Support Between Sessions

I understand that breaking free from binge eating requires consistent support.

That's why my program includes email/WhatsApp support between sessions.

Whenever you have a question, face a hurdle, or simply need some encouragement, you can reach out to me.

I am dedicated to your success and will respond promptly to provide guidance and support.

You're never alone on this journey.

Tools and Resources for Sustainable Change

What sets my program apart is my commitment to equipping you with all the necessary tools and resources to break free from binge eating.

As someone who has personally experienced the challenges of dieting and binge eating, I understand the struggle all too well.

Together, we'll navigate the path to success, using evidence-based techniques and strategies.

You can trust that I will be there as your guide, helping you overcome obstacles and celebrating your victories (big or small).

A gentle note about weight…

If you are like the majority of my clients, I know you have the desire to lose weight. But health is so much more than the number on the scale.

While I stay away from recommending weight loss as a goal, it does not mean that your desire for weight loss won't be there. I completely understand that and I hear you.

But what we know is that restricting food, dieting or punishing yourself with excessive exercise is not the answer to “better health”.

Instead, I focus on health-promoting behaviours that go beyond weight.

Helping you to develop sustainable habits that nourish your body and soul with a balanced approach to nutrition that support your physical and mental health.

The Programme & pricing

 Be binge free in just 30 days.

This approach makes the non-diet approach, another diet.

It takes time to undo all the shit that diet culture has taught you about food and your body, especially if you have a long-standing negative relationship with food.

Re-learning what it’s like to have a more neutral relationship with food can take time and it is not a quick fix.

That’s why I offer 1:1 support for a minimum of 3 months initially.

Choose from

Monthly payments of…


Approx: $320USD

Includes: 4 x 60-minute sessions (weekly sessions) plus WhatsApp/email support in-between sessions.

Great for you if you are at the start of getting support for your binge eating and you feel more comfortable with regular check-ins.

Monthly payments of…


Approx: $160USD

Includes: 2 x 60-minute sessions (bi-weekly sessions) plus WhatsApp/email support in-between sessions.

Great for you if you prefer more flexibility or if there are other professionals involved in supporting you.

Bi- Weekly


Read what past clients say…

Before working with me

  • Feeling overwhelmed by conflicting food rules and diet trends, leading to confusion and stress

After working with me

  • Learned to trust your body and make food choices based on individual preferences and body signals, with a sense of empowerment and peace.

  • It’s like having a friend who knows what they’re talking about, isn’t afraid to correct in a constructive and compassionate way and is like a cheerleader against all the negative voices and diet brainwashing

    Philippa, London

  • I really can’t think of anything I haven’t liked about our sessions. Toni is compassionate, patient, and kind and stays on task even when my ADHD brain takes us adrift, Item

    Dena, New York

  • Your approach is kind and encouraging and I feel like I have someone there who understands how I am feeling in regards to food, and who I can talk to about my challenges."

    Hannah, Nuneaton

  • Your energy and enthusiasm for what you do is contagious Toni!

    Sharon, Michigan

  • After 3 months of working with Toni, I no longer count calories and I feel so much food freedom"

    Rachael, Bristol

  • The sessions have been amazing, I think I’ve made such a progress in just a few months. You’re warm, open and non judgemental which really helped me to open up and being so open with your own experiences makes me feel like I’m not alone

    Philippa, London

  • "Toni has not only got the head knowledge about binge eating, she also has the heart and compassion for helping people recover"

    Dr Marianne Miller - Binge Eating Therapist

Ready to break free from the 

Guilt, shame, and constant battle with food?

Take the first step towards food freedom by booking a free 15-minute call with me.

During this call, we'll discuss your unique situation, I’ll answer any questions you may have and can determine if my 1:1 support program is the right fit for you. 

Simply book a time in my schedule below.

If a video call seems too much right now for you, click here and we can chat via WhatsApp instead.

If a video call doesnt seem comfortable right now…

I understand it can be a lot to jump on a video call with a stranger so let’s chat on WhatsApp first…

Click the icon to chat with me

 Some FAQs

  • I encourage you to ask this question to everyone who you reach out for support with.

    To work as a dietitian (or other professionals) within eating disorders such as binge eating. It requires additional training and experience to ensure you are trauma informed and work within a non diet way.

    As a HCPC-registered dietitian which means I am regulated by law to ensure my skills and knowledge are kept upto date.

    You can read more about my professional experience here.

    If you have any more questions, please contact me via whatsapp.

  • You will learn how the exact steps you need to take to heal your relationship with food and stop binge eating.

    Understanding the reason why you are binge eating is key so that we can get clear on how to stop it in its tracks.

    You will learn skills that will help you to listen to your body so you can stop using tracking apps or meal plans.

    Working with me, you will have clarity and accountability from a binge eating expert and someone who has overcome disordered eating herself!

  • Ready to break free from the guilt, shame and constant battle with food?

    The next steps would be to get in contact with me and there are 2 options for this.

    1. Book a 15 minute call. This call is a space for us to get to know each other a little bit more and to discuss your nutrition goals. If we decide we are a great fit together we can discuss options moving forward.

    2. If a video call seems too much right now for you, click this link and we can chat via WhatsApp instead.

    When you have decided to go ahead, we you will book your initial session which is space for us to discuss your medical history, weight history, eating behaviours and current dietary intake.

    For the first month we will meet monthly as a way to kickstart the work we do together.

    Then after the first month, we will meet every 1-2 weeks (depending on your choice) going through my framework to heal your relationship with food and stop binge eating.

  • If you are like the majority of my clients, I know you have the desire to lose weight. But health is so much more than the number on the scale.

    While I stay away from recommending weight loss as a goal in order to heal your relationship with food and stop binge eating, it does not mean that your desire for weight loss won't be there.

    I completely understand that.

    But what we know is that restricting food, dieting or punishing yourself with excessive exercise is not the answer.

    Instead, I focus on health-promoting behaviours that go beyond weight.

    Helping you to develop sustainable habits that nourish your body and soul with a balanced approach to nutrition that support your physical and mental health.

    If you want to have a more deeper chat about that, send me a message.

  • If you are still wondering if my approach is the best approach for you, don’t worry.

    It will help for us to have a chat about this. You can either

    1. Book a free 15 minute call

    2. Send me a message on WhatApp.