Is Coca-Cola better for you than Orange Juice?

So, an influencer in January claimed that Coca-Cola is the superior choice because orange juice is a "naughty treat" and supposedly ultra-processed.

Hold on to your taste buds; we're about to burst this myth bubble!

🚫 Why this myth is unhelpful:

Ultra-Processed Reality: Pure orange juice is far from being ultra-processed. According to NOVA, UPFs have more than 5 ingredients and additives. Orange juice? It's just freshly squeezed goodness.

The Danger of Labels: Attaching moral values like "naughty" to food can wreak havoc on our relationship with eating. Let's ditch the guilt and embrace a more positive perspective on enjoying our favourite treats.

Comparing Apples to Pears (or Coke to OJ): Comparing Coca-Cola to orange juice is like comparing, well, apples to pears! They serve different purposes, and the nutrients in orange juice contribute lots of vitamins, minerals and fibre to promote a healthy diet.

🌟 What you could do instead:

  • Remember, follower count doesn't equal expertise. Follow accounts that give you sustainable and evidence-based information rather than fearmongering tactics to fool you into buying their latest product.

  • Just be clear, I'm not saying to go and consume as much coke and juice as you like, we need to be making dietary choices that better our physical and mental health, focusing on eating mostly whole foods and being mindful of our intake of 'UFP's', but we don't need to avoid them altogether or demonise them.

  • Reframe your mindset by challenging the idea that certain foods are "good" or "bad." Enjoying treats without guilt is part of a positive approach to nutrition.

😉 Toni’s Top Tip: 

When it comes to nutrition, context matters. There is no food you could add or remove from your diet which impacts your health.

Struggling with dieting and binge eating…

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