What does “Eat in Moderation” mean?

What does moderation even mean? You're right to question it. In the world of nutrition, "moderation" is often tossed around like confetti, but it can be incredibly vague and confusing, especially since it means different things to different people.

🚫 Why this myth is unhelpful:

The problem with "eat in moderation" is that it lacks substance. It's yet another blanket advice thrown around, making it seem like nutrition is a piece of cake (pun intended).

But let’s be real, it’s so hard to “eat in moderation” when you have a poor relationship with food and your body. 

Without clear guidance, this advice can cause you to fall into patterns of overeating or undereating, neither of which are beneficial for your health.

And let's not forget the mental toll of this kind of blanket advice. Struggling to "eat in moderation" can make you feel like a failure, like you're somehow lacking the willpower or discipline to get it right and contributing to your binge eating!

But the truth is, it's not you; it’s the advice itself. There is no one-size-fits-all advice regarding healing your relationship with food.

🌟 What you could do instead:

  • Eat regularly: Start by establishing a consistent eating pattern, aiming for 3 balanced meals and 2-3 nourishing snacks throughout the day. This foundational step is important in supporting anyone with binge eating.

  • Heal your relationship with food: Step away from the cycle of restrictive dieting. By working on your relationship with food, you can let go of the rigid food rules and worries that often accompany dieting, and instead focus on rebuilding a neutral relationship with food.

  • Contact me: Take the next step by working with me for personalised, 1:1 nutrition guidance tailored to your needs.

Work with me 1:1

Learn more about my 1:1 consultations and how they can support you to break free from dieting and binge eating. Click here to explore my services.

Don't let dieting and binge eating control your life any longer. Contact me here to find out how I can support you.


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