Are People with a higher weight lazy?

I know that my clients who live in a larger body experience a lot of weight stigma, judgement and discrimination. The idea that body size determines someone's work ethic or level of motivation.

🚫 Why this myth is unhelpful:

Associating laziness with body size is not only inaccurate but also deeply harmful. 

It overlooks the diverse range of abilities, talents, and experiences within the fat community. The reality is that people of all sizes lead active, fulfilling lives, and equating fatness with laziness only serves to perpetuate stigma and discrimination.

Furthermore, this myth ignores the systemic barriers and societal prejudices that fat individuals often face, making it harder for them to access opportunities and resources. It's time to challenge these harmful stereotypes and advocate for a more inclusive and compassionate society.

🌟 What you could do instead:

If you have experienced judgement and discrimination based on your weight, this is so damaging and I am so sorry.

If you grew up in a home where comments were made about your or other people’s weight. There is a chance there may be some under lying fatphobia that needs to be addressed…

  • Challenge your own biases about the realities of fatphobia and its impact on individuals' lives. 

  • Get support from a professional who uses the ‘health at every size’ (HAES) approach (like me!). That means they focus on your health away from weight being the main focus.

  • Support initiatives and organizations that advocate for body and size acceptance.

😉 Toni’s Top Tip:

Remember, you can't judge someone's character or worth based on their appearance. Every individual deserves to be treated with dignity and respect, regardless of their size.

Struggling with dieting and binge eating…

Imagine a life where food is a source of nourishment and pleasure, rather than a source of stress and anxiety? If you want to stop dieting and binge eating cycle, it can be a challenging journey, but you don't have to go through it alone.

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